Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rebuild the rear deck (Click on picture for high res)

ABOVE: This is an overview picture of the deck project. This shows the piers (six instead of the original two), beams (four instead of two), joists, and decking.

I also used a free-standing deck instead of a ledger attached to the house, because of the design of the house. The rear entry overhangs the ground where the deck would be attached, making it a weaker contact point.

I also dropped the deck floor 7 inches to make it more weather proof at the house (snow/rain and dirt can't enter the house this way.

ABOVE: This shows the construction of the deck. The piers, beams and rafters are built with pressure-treated lumber. The piers have been sunk into the ground 3 feet. They rest on concrete footings 6 inches deep at the bottom of each hole, and are encased in concrete to the "above grade" level according to Sandy's building code. The beams are attached with a brace and 3/8th-inch carriage bolts. You can also see the rafters attached to the beams with metal hurricane bracing and rafter hangers.

ABOVE: Although it is hard to see, I've left a half-inch gap between the house and the deck. You also can see the use of deck screws instead of nails. Note the visible nail holes (ABOVE and BELOW) in the aluminum siding, showing that the original ledger was attached to the house with nails instead of lag bolts as required by Sandy's building code.

I will clean up the siding and fill the holes with weatherproof calk to protect the structure underneath. I will also install a piece of aluminum flashing under the door sill to close up the gap.

ABOVE: Debris from the old deck. Sandy city will haul this away for free during its bulk trash pickup in October.

Still left to do:
1. Finish installing the decking (1o boards 2x6)
2. Install the stairs (2 2x10 boards, 1 2x6 board)
3. Install the railing (10 2x6 boards, 6 2x4 boards)
4. Use miscellaneous hardware for the stairs and railings
5. Stain and seal the whole thing.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 1, 2009: Pre-Movein Inspection

Water is leaking between gutter and eaves and getting into the interior of the house.

Shingles are water stained indicating a longtime leak. The roof is also sagging showing that the roof support is failing.

More evidence of excessive water spilling over the roof. This also shows the sagging roof. Gutters also have not been cleaned in a while which would contribute to any overflow into the interior of the house.

This shows the float valve inside the swamp cooler. When the water is turned on the compression fitting between the copper tubing and plastic tubing did not hold pressure and shot water all over the place. This made the float valve useless.

This shows the pump. It is gross looking, but it is in working order. You can also see how rusted out the pan is. There is nearly nothing left.

Here is a shot of the pump.

Another shot of the faulty float valve. You can see that the bottom of the pan has been coated with Bondo -- yes, Bondo.

Longstanding water damage on the roof of the house. You can also see that the swamp cooler panels are installed UPSIDE DOWN. This channels water away from the cooler and onto the roof.

Another picture of the water damage to the shingles from a leaking or overflowing pan.

The collapsed ceiling caused by water leaking into the house.

The collapsed ceiling.

Water-soaked insulation and drywall.

This shows the location of the damage in the house.

Dishwasher Door is broken. And dishwasher is not fastened to cabinet.

Downspout is missing.
Paint is chipped and pealing above garage door.

Interior paint was not cleaned up.

Swamp cooler controller is painted over.

Grill on swamp cooler distribution is missing.

Smoke detectors are painted over and detached from ceiling.

Every door was painted without removing hardware. Paint is missing around hinges and doorknobs.

Fan cover in upper bathroom is not attached to housing.

Door stop in upper bathroom is broken.

Paint is missing in bathrooms and overlaps onto tile work.

Tile was not finished in upper bathroom. You can still see the vinyl flooring beneath. Note that no cement board was used as subfloor under tile.

Missing wall tile at bottom of tub.

Upper bathroom tub is chipped. Caulking also was done wrong.

Upper bathroom light fixture is painted over, but missing paint in some places.

Faucet drips in upper bathroom.

Tile at entryway was not finished and grout was used to fill gap.

Repair job at stairwell ceiling is coming down. Needs to be replaced.

Lighting fixture grate in kitchen is broken in several places.

Paint was not cleaned off cabinet work with ceiling and walls were last painted.

Tile throughout home is cracking and grout is coming up because no subflooring was used.

Tile throughout home is cracking and grout is coming up because no subflooring was used.

Tile throughout home is cracking and grout is coming up because no subflooring was used.

Major damage to entryway tile.

Rear deck wood is rotting and coming apart. It is unsafe for use and will cause splinter injuries.

Paint is pealing on untreated lumber used on deck.

Water damage can be seen above rear entry to home.

Untreated deck lumber. Warping and rotting.

Paint is pealing from deck rails.

Deck flooring nails are coming up. Deck should be replaced and screws should be used to secure lumber.

More rotting wood on deck.

Damage to wall new floor tiles.

Stains on carpet in nearly every room. This is a pink stain on the stairway. It appears the carpets were not professionally cleaned.

More pink stains on the stairways.

Stained carpets.

Stained carpets.

Stained carpet in bedroom.

Stained carpet in bedroom.

Stained carpet in bedroom.

Stained carpet in bedroom.

Holes in walls in pantry near kitchen.

Holes in walls.

Large holes in walls in home's entry way.

Patched holes in walls and new holes.

Holes in walls.

Holes in walls in Living Room and scuff marks near floor.

Cable wires hanging loose out of walls.

Paint drips on stairway handrails.

Nail in wall.

Marks on door.

Marks and damage to walls.

Marks and damage to walls.

Major holes in closet walls.

Hole in closet wall.

Major hole in closet wall.

Painted window frame in master bedroom. Missing hardware for window treatment.

Leftover window treatment in master bedroom.

Scuffs on walls.

Masking tape covering missing faceplate in master bedroom.

Outlet with that has been painted over.

Ceiling above stairs showing drywall repair that was not sanded before it was painted.

Damage to drywall corner above stairs.

Damaged grout in bathroom and sticker on bathtub.

Numerous scratches on lower kitchen cabinets.

Swamp cooler knob outlet is pulling away from wall.

Holes and chips in paint on walls.

Scratches to stairway posts.

Loose grout and cracked tile in kitchen.

More cracked tile in kitchen.

Scratches on oven door in kitchen.

Dents and scratches on top of stove. ALSO, two knobs are missing for the burners.

Crooked stove elements. Incorrect element pans were installed.

Paint scratched on window sills.

Damage to drywall on countertop near sink.

Paint covers part of countertop above sink.

Faucet is scratched and loose.

Kitchen sink is stained.

Kitchen sink is chiped near drain.

Sides of kitchen sink are chipped.

Sink is chipped.

More chips and stains on other side of kitchen sink.

Major damage from burns on counter top near sink.

Overpaint on kitchen cabinets not cleaned up.

Stains on kitchen ceiling.

Broken tile at bottom of stairs in kitchen.

Cracked tile in kitchen.

Cracked tile in kitchen.

Scratches at top of door.

Pocket door is scratched.

More scratches on doorway.

Scratches on doors.

Cable outlets hanging from walls with no faceplates.

Stains on carpet on stairs.

More stains on carpets.

Phone wires hanging loose out of wall in upstairs bedroom.

Light socket hanging loose in downstairs office.

Exposed plumbing in laundry room is leaking onto cement floor.

Water stains on cement floor in utility room. Bucket is used to catch water.

Light fixter hanging throuh dry wall, water stains on cement floor, missing drier exhaust. Paint not finished on exposed drywall.

Major holes in closets.

More holes and shoddy repairs in closets.

Missing hardware in closets.

Holes in closet walls.

Damage to walls in closet in downstairs bedroom.

More damage to walls.

Uncovered plumbing access hole in family room closet.

Uncovered plumbing access hole in family room closet.

There is a large gap between tub and tile that needs to be regrouted and caulked. Also, cracked tile and stained bathtub in lower bathroom. Also, the bathroom door does not lock.

Damage walls.

Holes in wall above sliding glass door.

Entry door and sash is scratched.

Siding is falling down on front of house.

Spills and graffiti mar walls in garage.

More graffiti in garage.

Loose wires, graffiti, and damage to walls in garage.

Damage to corners on entry way and in kitchen.

Markers writing on door knob pad at entryway.

Chipped paint and holes in walls.

Holes at rear entry.

More holes on front entry.

Cracks in tile in upper bathroom. No cement board was used before tile was laid, so tile and grout is cracking.

Excessive caulking around upper bathtub.

Numerous holes, on major hole in master bedroom closet. (This is an easy fix)

More holes on other side of closet, again, easy fix.

Stains on carpet in master bedroom.

Stains on carpet in master bedroom.

Attic access is not attached.

Water is dripping from swamp cooler.

Shoddy repair work to drywall.

Damage to walls in pantry.

Items not shown in above pictures:

  • Door in basement office has a large crack in it.
  • Shelves in most closets have broken clip-holders. (We can replace these)
  • Missing light fixture in family room alcove.
  • There is an exposed cable coming out from the ground in the backyard.
  • Sprinkler system is broken.
  • Window wells are filled with debris.
  • All ground level windows have hard-water stains.
  • Wallpaper in maste bedroom has been painted over (It is really bad looking.)
  • Most switch and outlet plates have been painted over.
  • Two drawers in kitchen have broken runners and fall out when you open them.
  • There is no gate access to backyard.
  • There is A LOT of trash in backyard that needs to be removed.
  • Front door handle does not latch correctly, but it is functional.
  • The cover for electronic deadbolt lock does not fasten securely.